Jumat, 02 April 2010

[L216.Ebook] Ebook Hypercrosslinked Polymeric Networks and Adsorbing Materials, Volume 56: Synthesis, Properties, Structure, and Applications (Comprehensive A

Ebook Hypercrosslinked Polymeric Networks and Adsorbing Materials, Volume 56: Synthesis, Properties, Structure, and Applications (Comprehensive A

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Hypercrosslinked Polymeric Networks and Adsorbing Materials, Volume 56: Synthesis, Properties, Structure, and Applications (Comprehensive A

Hypercrosslinked Polymeric Networks and Adsorbing Materials, Volume 56: Synthesis, Properties, Structure, and Applications (Comprehensive A

Hypercrosslinked Polymeric Networks and Adsorbing Materials, Volume 56: Synthesis, Properties, Structure, and Applications (Comprehensive A

Ebook Hypercrosslinked Polymeric Networks and Adsorbing Materials, Volume 56: Synthesis, Properties, Structure, and Applications (Comprehensive A

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Hypercrosslinked Polymeric Networks and Adsorbing Materials, Volume 56: Synthesis, Properties, Structure, and Applications (Comprehensive A

Hypercrosslinked network polymers present a new class of polymeric materials with very wide application possibilities, including adsorption technology, ion exchange, HPLC, analytical chemistry, nanotechnology (nanocomposites), medical polymers

  • First book describing the theory, practice of preparation and use of polymeric adsorbing materials with the emphasis on new hypercrosslinked polystyrene-type polymers
  • Written by the originators of the concept of hypercrosslinked polymers
  • Complex phenomena are explained by appealing to common sense, analogies and well-known effects, rather than complex mathematical treatment and computer modelling
  • Reviews many Russian, German and even Czech language publications
  • Contains numerous experimental data in the form of Figures and Tables   

  • Sales Rank: #6387057 in Books
  • Published on: 2010-12-08
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.02" h x 1.44" w x 5.98" l, 2.54 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 672 pages

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[L216.Ebook] Ebook Hypercrosslinked Polymeric Networks and Adsorbing Materials, Volume 56: Synthesis, Properties, Structure, and Applications (Comprehensive A Doc

[L216.Ebook] Ebook Hypercrosslinked Polymeric Networks and Adsorbing Materials, Volume 56: Synthesis, Properties, Structure, and Applications (Comprehensive A Doc

[L216.Ebook] Ebook Hypercrosslinked Polymeric Networks and Adsorbing Materials, Volume 56: Synthesis, Properties, Structure, and Applications (Comprehensive A Doc
[L216.Ebook] Ebook Hypercrosslinked Polymeric Networks and Adsorbing Materials, Volume 56: Synthesis, Properties, Structure, and Applications (Comprehensive A Doc

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